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Poster Design


SECTOR: Poster Design

ROLE: Designer

- Poster Design
- Mockups

IDENTITY DESIGN: Experimental Typeface Image

The object of this poster was to highlight a famous figure using type and image elements that work together. Within this poster, “Imagine all the people” was a custom made typography brush that emphasizes the imagery within. Scattered text of “Imagine all the people” compose a famous image of John’s face. Using an asymmetrical line across the face breaks apart the design and adds a sense of contrast. Without the blue line, the piece would be less effective and appear as one color. Monochromatic blue hues were used to complement the white image and dark text thus highlighting main features and type.

IDENTITY DESIGN: Typographic Music Poster

The goal of this project was to design and compose a publicity poster that promoted a specific artist/music group. The music genre chosen for this poster was Electronic music. Custom font elements such as hard geometric angels were used within the name “Zeds Dead” to correlate with the electric guitar and bass sounds often heard within Electronic music. The background consists of scanned metallic fabric.

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